this file is compatible with the example ex_usb_hid.c which is mentioned in ccs:CCS DELPHI HOST DEMO
USB test with pic18f4550
just program .hex file to the chip the code was written in mcc18 :Generic HID pic sideGeneric HID pc side
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+5VData +DATA -GND
Lcd Hello World pic18f4550
here is ccs code :#include #fuses HS,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,NOLVP#use delay(clock=4000000)#include void main() {lcd_init();lcd_putc("Hello!");}LCD pins D0-D3 are not used and PIC D3 is not used.D0 enableD1 rsD2 rwD4 D4D5 D5D6 D6D7 D7
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strange errors in ProgICD2
I prefer using mplab programmer itself but inorder to program pic 16f84 there is no other choice.